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Christmas: according to ANJ, 20% of French people plan to give scratch-off games to children

Friday 20 de December 2024 / 12:00

2 minutos de lectura

(Paris) - The National Gaming Authority asked Toluna - Harris Interactive to ask the French about the gifts they aim to give to children. According to this study, 20% of French people plan to give scratch cards to children for Christmas. Mostly, it is parents who give this kind of gifts to their own children. This is the opportunity for the ANJ to invite parents not to trivialize the game, which they also perceive as dangerous for minors.

Christmas: according to ANJ, 20% of French people plan to give scratch-off games to children

Scratch games, a gift mostly considered unsuitable for children

If more than half of those surveyed consider it inconceivable to offer scratch games (or instant games) to children, a quarter of French people have already done so . In most cases, these are gifts that parents give to their own children (rather than gifts offered between siblings or to nephews or nieces). This practice does not seem particularly linked to the social category of the parents.

Christmas seems to be the most propitious time to offer this type of gift to children, before birthdays.

This year, one in five French people say they intend to give scratch games to a child for Christmas . As for parents, 14% say they will offer a scratch game to their children.

In 2023, scratch games represented, in value, 23% of the total gaming market in France. 28 instant games are available for sale in physical networks. It is generally with this type of game that young people aged 15 to 17 start their practice, according to the ENJEU Mineurs study.

A very strong perception of the risks of gambling for minors

Scratch and win games are clearly identified as prohibited for sale to minors, although the prohibition of sale of other types of games (sports betting, poker and horse racing betting) is more recognized.

94% of French people consider gambling to be a dangerous activity for children, more so than social networks or screens. This perception of risks also exists among those who offer them. Players believe that it is a “very dangerous” practice a little less than others.

For almost all French people, children who play gambling are at risk of developing an addiction, including those who have already been offered scratch and win games.

For Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, president of the ANJ: “Studies show that the earlier you start gambling, the greater the risk of addiction. With this survey, the ANJ wants to remind parents that gambling is not trivial and that this activity should not be trivialized. If they only remember one thing, it is that gambling is not child's play!


Tags: Sin tags

País: France

Región: EMEA


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