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GST regional consolidation during 2022 and a promising 2023

Jueves 12 de Enero 2023 / 12:00

2 minutos de lectura

(Argentina).- SoloAzar granted an interview with executives of Gaming Solution Technology (GST), system development company that provides technological solutions for the gaming industry, who qualified the present of the firm as excellent. The ending of the year 2022 found GST with a solid consolidation in local and regional market which predicts a growth in the positioning of the Latin American market in the gaming industry for the year 2023.

GST regional consolidation during 2022 and a promising 2023

One of the firm's executives stated that the facility's projections for the year 2023, which is already planned, are "very encouraging". He described this year as excellent, highlighting the following: "GST prioritized the development of new markets and focusing on the customer. Thus we were able to grow in the number of operations and also develop new products." 

He also added as relevant for the company, that they finished the installation of SIAC in the Buenos Aires hand in hand with BINBAIRES: "It is currently our first operation and the first one in the country working with Cashless and Tito simultaneously in Hybrid Mode."

As for new developments, he mentioned the ON LIVE, the online casino platform, where there are already more integrated content providers.

"On the other hand, we continue to consolidate and grow in terms of Mobile Applications.

We see a need in terms of customer omnichannel, that's why we try to annex all the products in an integral way", highlighted the GST executive.

The firm's representative also emphasized the participation of GST visiting local fairs, which gave them the opportunity to approach their colleagues, clarifying that they did not have the opportunity to be exhibitors, because the objective was to be able to finalize the developments that were already underway. For 2023 they have effectively planned to participate in the local exhibitions "to renew our image and that the operators have this firm as the first option in systems", remarked the leader of the company. 

Regarding the achievements obtained during 2022, he pointed out the following: "We have integrated our SIAC platform to the Table System, the players' follow-up. And we provided an integral solution for Player Tracking, integrating all its modules.

"We also developed several Mobile applications for player registration, which includes tracking of prizes, points, redemptions, gastronomy, events and shows, among others, and the most important thing is the interaction of this Mobile App with the physical machines in the rooms.

"We also focus on applications for operators, such as for landbase operations. Examples are applications for cashiers, vendors, and real-time room tracking."

Among the aims for the coming year, he mentioned the possibility of having a multilingual platform, for landbase and on line, as well as exploring alternatives to maintain and improve GST International's participation and expansion to other markets in the gaming market; and to expand its client portfolio.

Finally, respect the expectations for 2023, he commented that it is very encouraging, with upcoming installations in new provinces of Argentina, and pointed out: "the current clients that have installed SIAC plan to enhance their operations by adding all the new functionalities that we are launching in 2022. Our main goal, seeing that we are already consolidated in Argentina, is to give this product potential to the international market.

"We want to stress that we currently have a solid 24/7 development and support team for physical and online gaming operations." He further specified, "The best decision made this year was to invest in our human resources."


Tags: casinos, Bingo, GST,

País: Argentina

Región: Sudamérica


ICE Barcelona 2025

20 de Enero 2025

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Martes 18 de Feb 2025 / 12:00

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Martes 18 de Feb 2025 / 12:00

ICE 2025 fue una gran oportunidad para que Pay4Fun consolide su presencia en el mercado, según el CMO y cofundador Fabricio Murakami

(Barcelona, ​​Exclusivo SoloAzar).- Fabrício Murakami, CMO y cofundador de Pay4Fun, concedió una entrevista en la que describió su experiencia en la reciente feria ICE. Luego, comentó las características de los productos destacados de la firma. “Seguiremos participando en eventos centrados en la innovación tecnológica y las finanzas”, anticipó.

Lunes 17 de Feb 2025 / 12:00


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